Extra, extra, read all about it! Here, you can find information on our range of added extra options for your custom designed shed, garage, workshop, barn, patio or awning.
All of these features are included on the Shed Boss app, available in the early stages of planning so you can be sure of what's on offer and add the ones that best suit your needs. Before you unleash your inner Da Vinci and start designing, take note of how each of these can improve your structure.
Mezzanine floor
The benefits of a mezzanine floor mean more space for storage in larger industrial or commercial sheds. Whether you own a manufacturing company and need safe, sturdy storage for your products before they get shipped off to customers, or you run a panel-beating business and need a well maintained, solid workshop, a mezzanine floor can streamline operations and improve productivity by organising the space.
For example, the upper floor can be used to store a certain style of products, while the lower can house heavier equipment, so workers always know where to go to find goods. Panel beaters can use the mezzanine floor upstairs as the office and reception, keeping customers away from the noise and sparks of the workshop on the ground floor after they drop off their cars for servicing.
While the need for such a floor in garden sheds or a barn is rare, unless of course you plan to use it on a large lifestyle property or farm, there is the option of using your structure as a rental property. In this case, having a mezzanine floor combined with customisable interior walls means that you can easily design bedrooms upstairs for your tenants.

Fire rated wall
Did you know that there are literally tens of thousands of house fires in Australia every year? Allianz reported over 11,000 residential fires take place annually, and research by the Australian Bureau of Statistics found that unattended heat sources, short circuits and electrical failures were common causes of fire.
Keep your shed safe and have some peace of mind knowing that your shed walls are expertly fire rated. Doing so is especially important if you rent out the property, but can also help protect your valuable business goods.
Having a well-insulated structure can benefit you year-round, no matter the season.
Insulation can save a whopping 45-55 per cent of heating and cooling energy.
"Insulation of the building envelope helps keep heat in during the winter, but lets heat out during summer to improve comfort and save energy," wrote All Star Energy Ratings in its Sustainable Energy Info Sheet.
This document reported how structures loose heat in various ways, especially if left un-insulated. Walls loose between 15-25 per cent of heat, windows up to 20 per cent, and the ceiling suffers the most heat loss with as much as 35 per cent of warmth leaving through it.
The good news is that insulation can save a whopping 45-55 per cent of heating and cooling energy. Condensation can be dramatically reduced and managed more efficiently thanks to insulation, and it also aids in sound-proofing a structure. What's more, the Sustainable Energy Info Sheet states that insulation pays for itself within five years, making it a worthwhile investment.
Vermin flashing
Nobody likes vermin such as rats to call your special shed their home. Vermin flashing can be installed between the wall cladding sheets and concrete to stop these nasty pests getting into your structure. Imagine the bliss of never having to take a pest control complaint call from your tenants, or have to stress that rats might be chewing up the boxes in which your products are stored!
Another construction benefit of this feature is that the flashing prevents corrosion to the wall cladding sheets by creating a buffer layer between them and concrete, minimising all direct contact with the hard substance.
Making use of natural sunlight is a great way to preserve energy. Skylights allow you to turn to the renewable source of solar energy for lighting your shed, and they also provide free heat for sheds built in warmer Australian areas.
Costs of heating typically make up nearly half your power bill, amounting to around 40 per cent of the average household electricity bills, according to Energy Made Easy. Investing in skylights can result in long-term savings stacking up and lining your wallets with more money – so say hello to holidays, cars, family functions … the list goes on!
Get in touch with the friendly team at a Shed Boss near you to get a quote on these extras for your custom designed shed.