The planning phase is by far the most important stage when it comes to building a shed. This is where all your ideas and your vision get put down on paper. It’s tempting to rush through the process when you’re excited to see your new creation take shape on your property. However, the decisions you make here will affect everything that comes next. And ultimately, it’ll influence your satisfaction when it’s finished and your enjoyment of your shed for many years to come. So, let’s talk about this critical element and where some people go wrong when it comes to planning.
Not taking planning seriously enough.
One of the most important factors is your attitude going into the planning. If you’re building a home for yourself, you’re not likely to gloss over the details. After all, you’ll be living with the consequences. A shed might be a more practical building, but that doesn’t mean you should take the planning less seriously. To get to the best result, you should adopt the right mindset, have complete focus and listen to the advice of an experienced shed builder.
Not thinking it through enough.
There are so many factors to consider that you may not be aware of. Access to your property, the kinds of roof options, wind speed and direction, rainwater runoff, to local construction planning and approval. Every region is different, every property is unique and the needs of every owner will vary from person to person. It’s important that your shed builder have the experience and intuition to point out the countless things that you haven’t thought about.
Thinking too small.
We’re all budget conscious and it’s tempting to be conservative in our plans in order to save costs. However, it is drastically more expensive to expand an existing shed than it is to build a slightly larger one. Not to mention, it’s hardly ideal. Think carefully about your needs now and tomorrow, which brings us to the next point.
Not thinking ahead.
Your shed will be with you for many years. Your needs today might be vastly different from your needs tomorrow. What are your plans for the future? Are you an outdoorsy family with adult children who might start wanting to store boats or campers at your place? Maybe you’re a business with plans to add workshop space or storage space for materials in future. Have you considered all the outcomes?
Not getting the right advice.
By far the biggest factor in all of this is the kind of people you’re talking to. An experienced, reputable shed builder will do more than oversee the construction of your new prized possession. They will assess the whole picture from start to finish. Drawing on their knowledge and experience to help you get what you want and what you need from your shed.
Shed Boss has been building sheds in Australia for more than two decades. After building thousands of sheds, we’ve seen where people usually go wrong and we can help steer you in the right direction. If you want to get off on the right foot, talk to us.