In these modern times, pop-up businesses continue to prove that they are far more than a fad. Whether you're wandering through a side street in Sydney or a back alley in Brisbane, pop-up stores are thriving, selling a whole range of different goods or services. And just what are such stores made from? Steel, just like our range of custom-designed sheds. Pop-up shops can be set up just about anywhere, and at a fraction of the cost of a bricks-and-mortar business. If you're a budding hairdresser, or have long had designs for your own place, it's definitely worth considering a custom-designed shed as your premises. Read on to find out why.
To get started on creating your very own salon, be sure to download the Shed Boss app.
Hair today, hair tomorrow
According to figures released by IBISWorld, the hairdressing and beauty sector is worth some AU$5 billion a year. The same source states that it's an industry growing year-on-year, too, making it a business that is well worth your time and investment if you want a piece of that pie. To get started on creating your very own salon, be sure to download the Shed Boss app. Using this handy app, you can put together the perfect virtual salon with a few deft swipes of your finger. For example, you can decide just how wide your shopfront window will be, and precisely which of the many COLORBOND steel shades to opt for. After all, as a hairdresser, you'll be working with a kaleidoscope of colours, so it makes sense to have your salon in an eye-catching hue!
Cut away the fat
Once you've designed your shed salon, you have to decide where you are going to locate it. You can't just plonk it anywhere and expect customers to flow in from day one – you need to do a little homework and forward planning. Indeed, where you locate your salon could be the difference between making or breaking your business. No matter how revered you are as a hairdresser, there's little to no point situating your shed in the middle of a potato field. Instead, opt for a place with a decent level of foot traffic, great visibility, and somewhere where your target demographic is likely to roam.

A snip of the cost
Of course, setting up your own business can rarely be done for free, so you'll likely need financing. You should try and have at least six months' worth of capital to get your salon up and running, but, as a new business, it could be pretty tough going when it comes to getting a business loan – but a personal loan could be the answer, so get in touch with your bank to find out how they can help.
Be sure to contact the team at Shed Boss to discover more about our range of sheds, and how they could be used for your pop-up business.