We've talked plenty about sheds before, like how to custom-design one as a 'man cave', but have you ever considered this – a small and cosy private cinema right in your own back yard?
You can build one for yourself, your family, or as a present to your significant other. With a home cinema, it'll also be a gift that will keep on giving. It doesn't just have to be a couples' retreat. You can schedule scary movie nights with your mates, or get together with a tub of ice-cream and drool over Chris Hemsworth. If you've got kids, why not make it the place to be every Thursday night for some family bonding time?
Thankfully, it's not as complicated as you think, especially with our easily customisable sheds.
Goodbye cinema, hello shed
Despite all this digital media surrounding us, there is still something desirable about going to a dark theatre with friends, family and loved ones.
Statistics from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) show that going to the cinema was found to be the most popular cultural activity when compared to others such as art galleries, museums and zoos, to name a few.
The ABS found that of all the participants surveyed, a whopping 90 per cent enjoyed the cinematic experience and over half of those that enjoyed it (53 per cent) had been more than five times.
Box office revenue has increased by more than 50 per cent, but only because customers are being charged more for the cinema experience.
However, going to a cinema can also cost you quite a bit, depending on the location of the theatre and type of film technology. A July 2014 article in the Sydney Morning Herald (SMH) reported that movie tickets can cost from a mere $10 to a soul-crushing $40! That's not including extras such as popcorn, drinks and sweets.
The Motion Picture Distributors of Australia states the total box office for 2014 was at just over one billion. SMH explains that while box office revenue has increased by more than 50 per cent, it is only because customers are being charged much more for the cinema experience. Save those expenses towards your own home theatre right in your garden!
Sheds are so this season
The UK Express recently published an article about an entrepreneur, Ashley Yates, who transformed his garden hut into a home cinema. It features seven plush seats, a 94-inch screen and surround sound. The lights can also be dimmed to enhance the mood.
With a Shed Boss shed, you have the option to add insulation not only for it's cheaper heating and cooling function, but also it's noise-cancelling properties. This means that you turn up your surround sound systems to maximum without disturbing your neighbours, whilst avoiding the common too-cold breeze of air-conditioned cinemas.
If you don't have a screen, then simply keep one wall blank and invest in a projector. Sure it's not a 3-dimensional immersion, but as you're saving money from regular movies, there's nothing stopping you from going to a mainstream cinema occasionally.
As you can kit your shed out with electricity, you'll have no problem wiring up a range of technological devices. Yates tells Express that his home cinema is also great for video gaming, meaning that your shed will be the most versatile media experience around.

Contact us today
Your local Shed Boss team can help you with the major aspects of your home cinema. Anything from council approval to building will be taken off your hands, so all that's left to do is to choose your preferred COLORBOND® steel colour for your shed and find the necessary furnishings for the interior.
As it is customiseable, you can even add plenty of additional features, such as awnings, mezzanine floors for multiple levels, and skylights for natural light with our convenient Shed Boss app.
Start enjoying those lovely summer nights in your own private theatre!