There are a number of instances in which you may need to decide whether to repair your commercial sheds or build new ones.
Category Archives: Commercial Builds
Studying your slope
Along with other issues, slope plays a key role in whether or not your building site is suitable for commercial shed construction.
Keeping your shed safe and secure
Keeping your shed safe and secure is a simple matter of determining risks and taking steps to minimise them.
Building for livestock
Custom designed sheds used to house livestock must be built with a number of key factors in mind, such as ensuring animal welfare.
Winterising your custom designed shed
Winterising your shed is an important part of keeping your custom designed building in good shape even during the colder months of the year.
Evaluating the land you plan to build on
The land on which you plan to build is an integral part of the process, so it pays to make sure it meets your needs.
Efficiency and safety with shed lighting
How your custom designed shed is lit is an important factor to take into account, as it impacts everything from efficiency to safety.
Ensuring your builder fits your needs
Making sure your builder suits your needs is essential, and this can be done by following a few simple steps.
Top 3 warning signs of substandard contractors
If your builder doesn’t care about permits, is hard to reach and refuses to sign a contract, chances are it’s time to find a new building professional.
Window considerations for custom designed sheds
Windows can be an important part of your custom designed shed, providing access to light and fresh air while reducing energy usage.