Does shed orientation make a difference?

When you're looking into purchasing your own custom designed shed, one thing you may not have considered is the direction your new installation will face. There are a number of benefits to doing just this, with different property orientations potentially changing a wide range of factors to do with your shed's atmosphere and climate. 

For example, a lot of this has to do with the movement of the sun. Taking this into account can help you to save money on heating your shed, by taking advantage of the natural warmth produced by the sun as it travels from east to west. Therefore, placing big windows on the southern side of your shed will allow for the maximum amount of sunlight to penetrate your garage, providing you with warmth during the cooler winter months. 

This principle also needs to be observed for those interested in solar power. By putting your panels on the southern side of the building, you'll ensure you get the most out of each day's sunlight – maximising the power output of your solar power installation. 

Depending on how much time you spend in the shed, installing windows on the eastern and western walls will capture the morning and evening sunlight, respectively. If you spend a lot of time in your shed during these times, additional windows could be something to consider. 

Keep an eye out for the position of your shed with relation to cooling winds in the summer. If you build it where the breeze is obstructed, it could become an extremely warm environment during the already scorching Australian summer. 

These are just some things to consider when building your own custom designed shed. Keeping you and your family comfortable should be a main priority when it comes to creating a residential garage at your home. 

Posted in Residential Builds.